What Can Hamsters Eat? Food List For Hamsters Owners

When it comes to what hamsters can and cannot eat, it can be a little confusing. After all, these tiny creatures have different dietary needs than other pets!

In this post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about feeding your hamster, including what they should eat and what they should avoid.

So whether you’re a first-time hamster owner or just looking for some clarification, read on for information on how to make sure your furry friend is eating right.

Hamsters are one of the Cutest Pets.

Hamster are Great Pets

Hamsters are adorable little creatures that make great pets. They are small and easy to take care of, and they love to play and explore. One of the most important things you need to know when owning a hamster is what it can and cannot eat.

If you have a hamster, keep reading. In this blog post, we will list some of the things hamsters can eat, as well as some of the things they should not eat. We will also provide some tips on how to keep your hamster healthy and happy.

What Can Hamsters Eat?

Do you have a hamster and need to know what food to give it? Or are you wondering if it is okay to give your hamster certain foods? Read on for a comprehensive list of all the foods that are safe for your furry friend to eat.

So the Shortest answer of what can hamsters eat? is they can eat a lot of things – Veggies, Fruits, and meat slices but we’ll get to that later.

If you have a hamster or you are looking to bring one home, it is important to know how to keep him healthy by feeding him healthy and proper food. So, if you want to know these things, stay with us and we will guide you through the process.

What Can Hamsters Eat: A Comprehensive List

There are many different types of food that hamsters can eat, including vegetables, fruits, and meat slices. In this section, we will provide a comprehensive list of all the foods that are safe for hamsters to eat.

A Comprehensive List For Hamster Food

A Comprehensive List For Hamster Food
Vegetables and FruitsHealthy GreensBread And PastaMeat SlicesNuts
CarrotsParsleyBread (no sugar or additives)Cooked ChickenSunflower
AppleMint Dry grainsCooked MeatPumpkin Seeds (dried)
BananaCorianderWholegrain pastaCooked Turkey Hazelnuts
Cucumber LettuceCorn flakesCooked Ham (Sometimes) Peanuts
Brussle SproutCabbageOat FlakesCooked BeefWalnuts
PumpkinCloverUnsalted biscuits Sesame seeds
MangoDandelionCooked brown Rice
Potatoes (Only Boiled)Collard

What Foo You Should Avoid?

Although we have given you a wide list of food that a hamster can eat, there are some that can be toxic for them.

These foods items should be avoided as they can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even death.

The following food items are toxic for hamsters:

Here is a list of what you should never feed a hamster:

Chocolate – Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which can be dangerous to any rodent.  Chocolate is also bad for their teeth.

Onions, garlic, leeks – all of these vegetables contain disulfide that destroys red blood cells in a hamster. This causes anemia and can be fatal.

Rhubarb – the leaves of this vegetable are poisonous to hamsters.

Tomatoes – These fruits contain solanine which is toxic to rodents.

Bitter almonds – You should never feed bitter almonds to your hamster, these almonds contain cyanide which is poisonous to all rodents.

Dirty vegetables – You should never feed a hamster with vegetables that have been in an area where pesticides were sprayed.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes may seem a good food for hamsters, but it’s not. These fruits contain solanine which is toxic to rodents. Tomatoes can be fatal if eaten in high quantities.

Sugars – Avoid giving your hamster food items that are high in sugar like candy, jelly beans, and chocolate. These treats can make them obese or diabetic.

Grapes – Grapes are not good for hamsters as these fruits contain toxins that can cause kidney damage to any rodent.

Junk food- If your hamster loves eating pizza, burgers,s or hot dogs and you are feeding him, think twice. These types of food are high in sugar and can cause obesity as well as health problems like diabetes. Which can be bad for a hamster.

Fatty meats – Fatty meats can contain more calories than proteins. So it is best to avoid feeding your hamster fatty meat like beef, pork, bacon, and sausages. These meats can be harmful to their health as well as can cause obesity.

How often should I fill my hamster’s food bowl?

Hamsters should be fed once a day. It is important not to overfeed them, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems. You should only fill your hamster’s meal bowl once a day, as hamsters are known to store a large amount of food in their cheeks and their bedding. They should finish this stored food before eating fresh food to prevent it from going stale and causing health issues.

Some hamsters may be picky eaters, so you may have to experiment with different types of food to see what they will eat. You can give them a small number of healthy treats like fresh fruit or vegetables in addition to their regular diet. Just make sure to remove any uneaten food after a few hours, as this can attract pests and spoil.

Other Food Options for Hamsters:

Here are some more food options for hamsters you can buy from amazon. Just click on the image.

You can buy food here:  Click Here To Buy The Food On Amazon! 


Kaytee Forti Diet Pro Health Hamster Food

Wild Harvest Nutrition Diet and Advanced Nutrition Diet for Hamsters and Gerbils

Oxbow Essentials Hamster Food

Supreme Tiny Friends Farm Hazel Hamster

Final Thoughts:

I hope this article helped you in feeding your hamster. Hamsters are very special small pets. They are cute, adorable, and active when compared to other rodents like rats or mice. I know how important it is for you to give your pet the best of care along with happiness. So make sure to follow these guidelines to feed your hamster.

At the same time, I’d also like to remind you that hamsters have a short lifespan. So if you are thinking of getting one as a pet, do your research first and be ready for this responsibility. Hamsters live around 2-3 years on average, so make sure that you are prepared to take care of them for this long.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!